Apprends l'Anglais, et Transforme tes Résolutions en Réalisation.

Fais valoir tes droits CPF et apprends l’anglais sans rien débourser !

Test tes connaissances en Anglais et reçoit tes résultats immédiatement ! 


Question 1 of 30

I . . . in Newcastle in England.

Question 1 of 30

Question 2 of 30

I want . . . replies to my text messages.

Question 2 of 30

Question 3 of 30

The movie had a great . . . on me.

Question 3 of 30

Question 4 of 30

I need to go shopping . . . a suitcase.

Question 4 of 30

Question 5 of 30

I . . . ..only known my wife for two weeks before we got married.

Question 5 of 30

Question 6 of 30

My mother? I think I'll buy . . . some flowers.

Question 6 of 30

Question 7 of 30

When you get the report, can you send it to Laura and . . . ?

Question 7 of 30

Question 8 of 30

Turn down the air conditioning . . . save electricity.

Question 8 of 30

Question 9 of 30

How . . . is a room for one night?

Question 9 of 30

Question 10 of 30

How long . . . English? Do you always come to this class?

Question 10 of 30

Question 11 of 30

How . . . rooms are there in the hotel?

Question 11 of 30

Question 12 of 30

. . . I worked harder, I would have got better results.

Question 12 of 30

Question 13 of 30

Please try to use . . . Grammar.

Question 13 of 30

Question 14 of 30

My kids use their phones too much. They . . . ..

Question 14 of 30

Question 15 of 30

I hope I . . . here in 5 years. I like working here.

Question 15 of 30

Question 16 of 30

Laura . . . three languages.

Question 16 of 30

Question 17 of 30

Do you like hip-hop music . . .

Question 17 of 30

Question 18 of 30

What time is it? . . . (15:45)

Question 18 of 30

Question 19 of 30

. . . side of a square is of equal length.

Question 19 of 30

Question 20 of 30

Jamie . . . lives in Caen.

Question 20 of 30

Question 21 of 30

Lucy has read . . . the books in the library.

Question 21 of 30

Question 22 of 30

Do you think violent video games . . . banned?

Question 22 of 30

Question 23 of 30

I lived in England . . . I was 20 years old.

Question 23 of 30

Question 24 of 30

. . . actor is Johnny Depp.

Question 24 of 30

Question 25 of 30

There is a car-park . . . Main Street.

Question 25 of 30

Question 26 of 30

I hurt . . . last weekend.

Question 26 of 30

Question 27 of 30

The two best things about the party . . . the food and the music.

Question 27 of 30

Question 28 of 30

My car is neither reliable . . . fuel-efficient.

Question 28 of 30

Question 29 of 30

I wish someone . . . solve the climate problem.

Question 29 of 30

Question 30 of 30

Tennis is . . . on a court.

Question 30 of 30


Test tes connaissances en Anglais et reçoit tes résultats immédiatement ! 


Question 1 of 30

I bought a . . . car.

Question 1 of 30

Question 2 of 30

I wish someone . . . solve the climate problem.

Question 2 of 30

Question 3 of 30

What's your name? . . . . James.

Question 3 of 30

Question 4 of 30

How . . . is a room for one night?

Question 4 of 30

Question 5 of 30

Do you play an instrument? . . . , I do. I play piano.

Question 5 of 30

Question 6 of 30

My sister . . . blond hair.

Question 6 of 30

Question 7 of 30

If I hadn't moved to France, maybe . . . a different career.

Question 7 of 30

Question 8 of 30

Biting your nails is a bad . . .

Question 8 of 30

Question 9 of 30

I get my brother . . . my car.

Question 9 of 30

Question 10 of 30

Go straight ahead, then . . . a right at the church.

Question 10 of 30

Question 11 of 30

The best . . . vehicles can be found at Jamie's Car Hire.

Question 11 of 30

Question 12 of 30

When she got to hospital they found that she. . .her leg.

Question 12 of 30

Question 13 of 30

I eat . . . ..burgers than I used to.

Question 13 of 30

Question 14 of 30

How do you get to work? . . . , do you drive or take the bus?

Question 14 of 30

Question 15 of 30

He said he . . . throw anything away.

Question 15 of 30

Question 16 of 30

I . . . ..only known my wife for two weeks before we got married.

Question 16 of 30

Question 17 of 30

I'd have bought tickets if . . . known.

Question 17 of 30

Question 18 of 30

I love your short- . . . shirt.

Question 18 of 30

Question 19 of 30

I . . . .to look cool when I walked into a door.

Question 19 of 30

Question 20 of 30

I . . . like chocolate.

Question 20 of 30

Question 21 of 30

Laura plays tennis very . . .

Question 21 of 30

Question 22 of 30

I get my hair . . . professionally.

Question 22 of 30

Question 23 of 30

I have lost my . . . .

Question 23 of 30

Question 24 of 30

A Porsche is . . . than a Fiat.

Question 24 of 30

Question 25 of 30

Do you . . . wear a suit and tie at work?

Question 25 of 30

Question 26 of 30

Jamie got . . . the car.

Question 26 of 30

Question 27 of 30

She's married . . . a teacher.

Question 27 of 30

Question 28 of 30

Be careful not . . . your passport.

Question 28 of 30

Question 29 of 30

Jamie . . . lives in Caen.

Question 29 of 30

Question 30 of 30

I . . . ..a lot of snacks this month.

Question 30 of 30


En ligne


Éligible au CPF



La CoVIP-21

Sois le VIP et profite en premier d’une formation connectée, aux normes de 2021.

Profite de la flexibilité des cours en ligne

Progresse à ton propre rythme grâce à la Plateforme Cambridge disponible 24h/24 et 7j/7 et choisis l’heure des séances de Coaching personnalisées en visioconférence même jusqu’à 23h !

Opte pour la formation certifiante et éligible au CPF

Fais bon usage de ton CPF et atteste de ton niveau d’anglais partout dans le monde grâce à notre partenariat avec Cambridge !

Bénéficie d'un suivi personnalisé

Passe en immersion tuteurée grâce à des Coaching Sessions sur mesure. Et améliore ton niveau en participant aux activités de Clubs.

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Fais toi rappeler par l'un de nos conseillers et vérifie ton éligibilité pour 0€ en reste à charge ! 

Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)

Nos Coaches

un de nos coaches a un message pour vous…
At stet aliquam nec, mei an dicam posidonium instructior. Id iracundia scriptorem disputando mea, omnes corpora ne sed. 


michelle andrade



John Stamose



Michael Wong



Kelly Masterson


Notre Expertise

La formation CoVIP-21 est le fruit d’une collaboration entre 2 leaders du secteurs de la formation professionnelle en France. 

Victoria’s, premier réseau indépendant de formation en France, et Wanna pionnier dans la formation Linguistique sont tous les 2 des organismes de formation certifiés par l’État et Partenaires du réseau Cambridge English fondé en 1913 et qui s’impose depuis comme leader mondial de l’apprentissage de l’anglais. Grâce à l’outil Campus Virtuel Cambridge mis à notre disposition nous avons pu allier pédagogie et technologie pour te garantir une formation  à distance complète et parfaitement adaptée à tes besoins. 

Lire la vidéo


Ils nous ont fait confiance. Fais comme eux !


Objectif 0€*

Ton Compte Personnel de Formation te permet de bénéficier de formations financées jusqu’à 100% par l’État !

*0€ en reste à charge

Nous n'avons pas pu confirmer votre inscription.
Votre place est résérvée ! Vous allez recevoir un e-mail avec le lien de participation !

Fais toi rappeler par l'un de nos conseillers et vérifie ton éligibilité pour 0€ en reste à charge ! 

Le champ SMS doit contenir entre 6 et 19 chiffres et inclure le code pays sans utiliser +/0 (ex. : 33xxxxxxxxx pour la France)