Testez votre anglais général grâce à une sélection par Wanna d’exercices d’anglais en ligne gratuits, réalisés par nos formateurs anglophones. C'est parti pour 30 questions !

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Question 1 of 30

I eat . . . ..burgers than I used to.

Question 1 of 30

Question 2 of 30

How do you . . . James? J-A-M-E-S.

Question 2 of 30

Question 3 of 30

You . . . come to a Conversation Class. It's a good idea.

Question 3 of 30

Question 4 of 30

I . . . on an interesting trip.

Question 4 of 30

Question 5 of 30

She's married . . . a teacher.

Question 5 of 30

Question 6 of 30

Do you . . . wear a suit and tie at work?

Question 6 of 30

Question 7 of 30

Lucy is late. She . . . missed her bus.

Question 7 of 30

Question 8 of 30

Sorry for . . . late. I got stuck in traffic.

Question 8 of 30

Question 9 of 30

Please try to use . . . Grammar.

Question 9 of 30

Question 10 of 30

A Porsche is . . . than a Fiat.

Question 10 of 30

Question 11 of 30

What . . . yesterday?

Question 11 of 30

Question 12 of 30

She should . . . called earlier if she'd know she was going to be late.

Question 12 of 30

Question 13 of 30

I . . . .see my brother when I am in London.

Question 13 of 30

Question 14 of 30

My kids use their phones too much. They . . . ..

Question 14 of 30

Question 15 of 30

Go straight ahead, then . . . a right at the church.

Question 15 of 30

Question 16 of 30

If I hadn't moved to France, maybe . . . a different career.

Question 16 of 30

Question 17 of 30

Be careful not . . . your passport.

Question 17 of 30

Question 18 of 30

What are your neighbours like? . . . they nice?

Question 18 of 30

Question 19 of 30

My sister . . . blond hair.

Question 19 of 30

Question 20 of 30

I hate homework. It's . . . .

Question 20 of 30

Question 21 of 30

Do you play an instrument? . . . , I do. I play piano.

Question 21 of 30

Question 22 of 30

Do you think violent video games . . . banned?

Question 22 of 30

Question 23 of 30

I get . . . waiting in long lines.

Question 23 of 30

Question 24 of 30

Biting your nails is a bad . . .

Question 24 of 30

Question 25 of 30

Do you like hip-hop music . . .

Question 25 of 30

Question 26 of 30

I need to go shopping . . . a suitcase.

Question 26 of 30

Question 27 of 30

I'm good at . . . people.

Question 27 of 30

Question 28 of 30

Next weekend we. . .a party.

Question 28 of 30

Question 29 of 30

. . . side of a square is of equal length.

Question 29 of 30

Question 30 of 30

How long . . . English? Do you always come to this class?

Question 30 of 30